Current appeals

2025 Forgotten Parachinar : Medical supplies blocked
Salaam Alaykum,
The situation in Parachinar is quite dire, with the continued attack on the community in Parachinar, the deliberate blocking of urgently required medical care is causing tragedies as children are dying without medicine.
Imam Hasan Foundation is purchasing $50,000 of medical aid supplies some of which delivered, these items will be delivered by helicopter if required to avoid the road blocks. Target to raise $50,000
Airways ( OPA ,NPA) all sizes… Clexane injection
Streptokinase injections
Valium injections
Dormicum injection
Crepe bandages
Disposable syringes
Catgut various sizes
Vicryl sutures
Silk sutures
Proline sutures
POP Bandage 4″,6″ Dopamine injection
Bobutamine inj Antibiotics injection
Nalbufin injections
Norepinephrine injections
Cardarone injections
Clopidogrel tablets
Loprin tablets