
  • Pakistan : House Building update 2024

    Pakistan : House Building update 2024

    Salaam Alaykum The construction of houses is continuing in Pakistan, please find below the updated report. Thank you for your generosity and support. May Allah accept all your efforts. CLICK ON LINK BELOW FOR REPORT IHF donor report for Build a home Pak Flood Relief (2024)  

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  • Qurbani Report 2024

    Qurbani Report 2024

    Qurbani Report 2024 Thank you for your amazing generosity, we were able to organise 620 Qurbani’s this year. We thank WF AID for manging the process with Bilal Tanzania and Bilal Kenya. Our sincere thanks to Br. Mahmood Dhala for coordinating the process. We have chosen NOT to show photos of the recipents to protect […]

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  • 25-05-2024 : Gaza Aid Distribution

    25-05-2024 : Gaza Aid Distribution

    Salaam Alaykum, Alhamdulillah we have just received videos of urgent aid distribution in Gaza. This has only been possible through your amazing generosity. The aid workers who have made this happen have been living under severe conditions, and we have had to be careful before releasing any information due to the safety concerns for the […]

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  • Gaza funds update – 28th March 2024

    Gaza funds update – 28th March 2024

    Salaam Alaykum, Please find below a letter from the World Federation (UK) / WF-AID (UK) with an update on the $750,000 that has been forwarded from the GAZA Appeal. It outlines the challenges of providing reports and pictures due to the sensitive nature of the information.   We are in regular communication and once a […]

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  • Ramadhan_1445 : Lebanon distribution

    Ramadhan_1445 : Lebanon distribution

    Salaam Alaykum Alhamdullilah in 2022 we started delivering fresh chickens to communities in Lebanon as the cost of meat had skyrocketed. This is the 3rd year of distributing chickens in areas of Nabatiyeh, Beirut and other places but limited in some places due to the dangerous situation due to bombings. Please see the pictures below […]

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  • Thank you : Over $800K raised – Humanity for Palestine

    Thank you : Over $800K raised – Humanity for Palestine

    Salaam Alaykum, You are an amazing community, each donation each ticket each teddy bear (those who attended will understand), total amount raised is well over $800,000 – quite simply amazing. This cannot happen without your trust and support, from the $1 donations to the $20,000 donations each one is vital, each dollar makes a difference, […]

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  • Update – 18-12-2023 – Gaza Palestine – Humanitarian relief

    Update – 18-12-2023 – Gaza Palestine – Humanitarian relief

    Salaam Alaykum   Please find below a report from WF-AID UK on the humanitarian relief effort in Gaza, specifying the $350,000 already sent. By the Grace of God and your generosity all the funds have been used to provide aid and has been delivered. Although its a drop in the ocean of what is required, […]

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  • Update – 1-11-2023 – Gaza Palestine – Humanitarian relief

    Update – 1-11-2023 – Gaza Palestine – Humanitarian relief

    NEWS FLASH Here is a video showing your donations being distributed in the heart of Gaza. Your generous donations is a hope amidst despair. Share this video widely.

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  • Lebanon : Artesian Well : Ayta Shaab area – Update 1 – 1-11-2023

    Lebanon : Artesian Well : Ayta Shaab area – Update 1 – 1-11-2023

    Please find an update report 1-11-2023 Artesian Well Project Update V 0.1 – IHF (1)

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    PAKISTAN HOUSING PROJECT UPDATE Thank you for your generosity. 300 houses completed – we have been requested for 100 more houses.

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